It’s been about a year or so that I’ve been trying to wake up before the kids and have some alone time with God, to pray, read the Bible, and journal. It’s not always possible because my toddler some days still insists to wake up even before I do because, #momlife, but when I’m there, when I beat the clock and jump from my bed at the crack of dawn, oh, that’s priceless – my day starts on a completely different tune and I feel prepared to whatever challenges I may encounter.
I come to my office where I have big windows and I treasure the days when I get the most glorious sunrise as I read the Bible and pray. I tell my kids that God is the ultimate artist and every day He paints a different masterpiece up high for us to admire – skies always make me smile. I’m miles away to translate all that beauty into my paintings, but these precious early mornings of mine were my inspiration to this week’s artwork. Have a wonderful week!
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3