How wonderful are the good things
you keep for those who honor you!
Everyone knows how good you are,
how securely you protect those who trust you.
Psalm 31:19
I always think of flowers as a beautiful and creative display of God’s goodness. A gift of sight, they bring joy and a smile to the viewer. They are delicately strong and they also have a fragrant aroma that awakens our senses. Flowers come in all shapes, colours and sizes — they are as unique as we are. In fact, scientists compiled a “plant list” with almost 400,000 types of flowering plants in the world, and more are discovered year after year.
Now, if you are like me, surely you never even heard of the majority of the different flower varieties out there. But does that change the fact that they exist? That they are beautiful and could be a gift for your sight? Of course not. That’s what this verse is all about. God’s goodness is one of his most intrinsic attributes – he is the source and the standard measure of whatever we know to be truly good. He keeps good things for those who honor him. Maybe you have experienced this goodness way too many times to even count. And maybe his goodness is already a safe place of refuge for you in your darkest times. But if you haven’t had a chance to taste all the goodness of God in your life, I invite you to look for it. It may be hidden in plain sight, but I assure you, it’s available for you as well. Seek him, and you’ll find him.
P.S.: The past couple of months have been challenging around here with a lot going on with my family and even a crazy storm that left us without power or water for four days last week. Because of all that, there was no painting published last month. I still want to finish this project with 12 paintings, so December will bring 2 posts, including a special one for Christmas 🙂