This painting was inspired by two of Jesus’ miracles. One is when Jesus calls his first disciples, Simon (Peter) and Andrew. Luke 5 tells us that they had worked all night without catching any fish but when Jesus asked them to throw their nets one more time, they obeyed. They caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. Matthew 4 doesn’t have the account of this miracle but includes Jesus’ invite to them:
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:19-20
The second miracle is found in Matthew 14:13-21, when Jesus feeds five thousand people. He takes all the food the disciples had – 5 loaves of bread and two fish – and feeds a huge crowd.
We see in both miracles what Jesus does when we give him what we have wholeheartedly and not doubting, despite the dire circumstances. He can take it, multiply it and share it, and plenty will be left. So this is my encouragement to you this week, let’s not look at our challenges and trials – especially these days when things are changing rapidly and it’s hard to keep up. Let’s keep our eyes in Him and pray: what is He asking that we should give him? Is it our time? Our thoughts? Our gifts and talents? Our resources? Whatever it is, as imperfect and limited as it is, he will take it and change it into something so much better that will not only bless you but others too. Let’s follow Him with all we have.
Fun fact 1: this painting is actually a commission, and it was painted on a full-sized rough watercolour sheet (30″ X 22″). The weight and texture of this paper are just amazing. I can’t wait to see it framed in its forever home!
Fun fact 2: I wanted to hide as many fishes as possible in this painting. How many can you see? I’ve counted 25 😀
Have a wonderful week!