He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.
Psalm 147:3-5
When was the last time you walked at night and watched the stars in the sky? Now that the weather is getting a little warmer here where I live, I intend to do that with my girls more often because I remember vividly to always stand in awe and get this sense of quietness and rest whenever I took the time to pause and admire them in the past.
The same God that created each one of them and calls them by name can treat and heal any hurt that I may have. I belong to a God so powerful and knowledgeable that I refuse to give myself away to fear, I choose to worship Him instead. I have been challenged to walk by faith and not by sight, to stand firm to what I believe, and to rest in His mighty power. My pain, my wounds, my struggles are not invisible to Him, and I can reach out to Him with all my needs.
This week I’m swamped with work, we are back to online school, we are in the middle of a very strict lockdown and I have no idea if I will have surgery in May or not, it seems our hospitals are overwhelmed and elective surgeries are mostly being cancelled. It doesn’t matter, honestly. This week, I choose to pray hard and worry less and I invite you to do the same. The One with limitless understanding and the One who calls the stars by name knows my name very well too, after all, he hears me often. And that’s how we win another day. Have a blessed week!