Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20 (NIV)
This is a popular verse in the Bible, many times used out of context as if it was directed to people that don’t know Jesus yet. However, as a reminder, this portion of chapter 3 in Revelation is written to the church of Laodicea, the rich but lukewarm church that thought so much of themselves that left Jesus outside. Look at the verse at the top and read it again. He was outside waiting for someone to hear his voice and invite him in. And here I am thinking how many times I have so many voices in my head that it’s too loud to listen to the most important voice of all… Whenever I am overwhelmed, it’s time to pause and pray. It’s like sharing a meal with an old friend where I get to just talk and listen to Him. And then I’m washed over by this peace… Inexplicable.
I never want to have a heart that thinks that I have it all together on my own because, without Him, I never will. I want to invite him in, over and over again, to all of my messes, my struggles and challenges, my ups, and downs. All I want is to hear his voice and learn from him. All the other voices can wait. It’s in my stillness and quietness that I can listen to him… And obey.
Have a wonderful week!