By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 24:3-4
One of the things I’ve learnt to do when I’m meditating on a Bible passage is to dig a little deeper. I like to use some online dictionaries and tools like this one to understand the origins and usages of some key terms. From this passage, the three words below caught my attention:
Wisdom (chokmâh) – also defined as the ability to make the right choices at the opportune time.
Understanding (tāḇûn) – also defined in the Bible as intelligence.
Knowledge (daʿaṯ) – also defined in the Bible as discernment.
These sound like much-needed skills to build and maintain a home, right? And while I was checking these words, I’ve found another instance in the Bible that has these exact same terms, in Exodus (see verses 31:3 and 35:31). These verses tell the story of Bezalel and how God called him by name and filled him with his spirit, in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, to build the tabernacle in the desert according to His plans.
This tells me that for us to have the capacity to fill our homes with rare and beautiful treasures that last, to make the best decisions according to His plans for us, we need to be filled with the spirit of God. He’s the one who knows us and calls us by name and He is the one who can fill us with everything we need to establish our homes in Him.
I could go on and reflect on how this passage tells much about us as individuals too and how we should remain in Him to be filled with these treasures since we are His temple. However, to keep this text short, I’ll let you think about that connexion and I invite you to meditate on it throughout this week.
Ps: The passage in Exodus is dear to my heart because Bezalel was an artist through and through! And all his talents and gifts came from God and were used for His glory.
Have a wonderful week!