But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.
Psalm 52:8
Did you know that olive trees around the world can live as long as 1,500 years, with an average life span of 500 years? They are remarkably resilient and, because of their root system, they can remain fruitful during their entire life, even under dire conditions. The art studio carries the name of this tree and if you want to know why you can find it here.
David wrote this Psalm stating clearly where his trust stood. We can be inclined to put our trust in so many wrong places based on our circumstances. We can be limited at times and we want to see to believe. This verse impacts me to firmly declare that my trust should be in the Lord forever, especially in my most difficult seasons. My roots should be grounded in him and I should cling to his promises even when my eyes don’t see much happening. He never failed me and I know who he is, even when I don’t deserve it. It is a learning process for me and maybe it’s something you have been learning too.
May we also be like a flourishing olive tree that still bears fruit, even in the desert. May we know that God’s love never fails and let’s keep walking along with him.
This is the second tree from the Bible that I am painting in this series. You can see the first one here. The third and last tree from this mini-series will be posted next week. Any thoughts of what I’ll be painting next?
Have a wonderful week!