He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Psalm 23:2-3
Psalm 23 is the first chapter of the Bible that I’ve memorized, my mom taught us to pray it when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Needless to say, it holds a special place in my heart. I wanted to paint it for a while now and this past week I realized something that I had never seen before. Can you count how many mentions to “he”/ “his” are shown in these two verses? Psalm 23 is all about him, the shepherd. And these two lambs in the painting can look at him fondly, smile, and have peace.
When I read that Psalm as a child I used to think that this Psalm was saying that everything would be perfect and I would have joy because my environment would be just right. But what I’ve realized is what he does in me matters the most: he makes me lie down, he leads me, he guides me… All for his name’s sake. He’s my rest, my quiet waters, the refreshment for my soul. In him, I shall not want. I choose to keep looking at the Shepherd.
Have a wonderful week!