He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
I wanted to paint this verse for a few months now but I couldn’t think of the best way to represent it. Then I found out that white lilacs represent humility and since I’ve been enjoying painting white themes lately (have you seen the lamb and the shoes?) I thought it would be a nice fit.
These are words from God himself and he explicitly tells us what he wants from us, and what is good for us. He doesn’t want pointless sacrifices, done in obligation (as Israel might think according to verses 6 and 7), but he wants us to walk with him in humility. To act justly because he is just and to love mercy because he is merciful. The Lord, the creator of the entire universe, your creator, wants us to come closer to him and learn from his character as we walk alongside him, in faith. May we be humble enough to acknowledge that we have plenty to learn from him and may we be be willing to walk in his footsteps in justice and mercy.
Have a wonderful week!