Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
It’s fall around here and the leaves are already showing God’s creativity in full force with all shades of green, yellow, red, and brown. I was thinking that seasons come and go, and in this world, everything is always in constant change. Nothing remains the same for long. However, God never changes, Jesus never changes. His character is shown by his immutability. His promises don’t change, his love for us doesn’t change, his power doesn’t change. He doesn’t get tired or moody, nothing is unpredictable for him. His faithfulness is not attached to my good works or mistakes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And speaking of the one who never changes, this was our moving weekend. Amidst the endless boxes and back and forth trips between the old and the new home, this verse kept me through… Our family is starting over here in this home and everything is new, exciting, and, to be honest, it’s also a little bittersweet to leave the old house behind. But knowing that I can rest safely in the one who loves me and he is always steady, and that he is my rock and my fortress is the best feeling I could have as we embrace this new chapter.