‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
Jeremiah 33:3
I love painting florals. If you follow my work for a while you know that I’ve been painting the entire alphabet with them. I plan to make a Bible verse calendar one day, maybe a project for next year? Last week I taught an online art class at work for a charitable campaign and this verse came to my mind. Flowers blooming at spring always give me a sense of awe in the most beautiful and touching way. (And on a side note I also must mention: if you have a fundraiser or charitable campaign and you would like to organize an art class, let’s talk, I usually offer my time to teach at one or two events like these per year – online or in person).
This week I’d like to challenge you to think of a time when you had your prayers answered. When God told you things that you couldn’t imagine, when you had that Aha moment revealed by God. If that never happened to you, my friend, then you really need to know what you are missing, it’s a beautiful experience.
In the past few days God has been leading me through new paths, taking me out of my comfort zone and I’ve been humbly deciding to step in faith. I hope to be approved. In the same way, I’m praying for you who are reading, for you to listen to his voice answering you this week as you talk to him.
After a lot of hard work my new website and online store are almost ready and we have a launch date: November 8th! One week from now! Stay tuned, more info is coming your way this week.