Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
This was a memorable year for us. I went back to work from mat leave, just to find out that I had to leave a few weeks later to have spinal surgery, followed by a three-month recovery period. Right after that, we put an offer in a new house and it was accepted, so we only had a few days to prepare our home to be listed for sale. We packed and moved to this new community and we are now in the process of unpacking and doing a few small renos around here. In the middle of all that, I’ve managed to launch my online store and kept this art project going, still painting week after week. Phew!
We love the new home and, from time to time, we can hear the train whistling far away (a.k.a. the highlight of my toddler’s day), and its sound inspired this painting. When I was meditating on this verse, it got me thinking that it’s so easy to let our thoughts wander aimlessly. Our understanding can fool us and what seemed to be so right and sure at some point, was actually grounded in thin air.
God knows our heart. He knows how we tend to doubt and fear when we are struggling, when the earth seems to be spinning too fast and we don’t know which way to follow. That’s when we must turn to the one who knows all things, the one who has a plan and a purpose for us. We are led to trust, even without seeing, because he is faithful and cannot lie.
Everything happened so fast for us this year, I didn’t even have the time to process it all yet but I trust in his guidance. I choose to keep trusting in him and not in my own judgement. Because he never failed me but my own thinking has put me in many many traps before. For me, in a practical way, trusting in the Lord with all my heart means silencing my mind of all negativity, renewing my mind in his Word and promises, and having consistent time of prayer and journaling every day. How about you, how have you been led to trust in God lately?
Have a wonderful week!
P.S.: Have you had a chance to visit my online store yet? I’m offering free worldwide shipping on all fine art prints until Christmas. Is there a painting from the Art & Scripture series that you’d like to see there? I’d love to hear from you.