Seek the LORD, and his strength:
Seek his face evermore.
Psalm 105:4
I started 2021 with a goal in mind: I wanted to dig deeper in God’s word and I wanted to meditate on it with my paintings. The Art & Scripture series is a combination of these two ideas: one Bible-inspired painting every week, for the entire year and this is the last painting of 2021.
Fifty-two paintings, fifty-two Bible passages. I’m incredibly happy and grateful to see how far I came and how much I’ve learned through this process. The most obvious lesson though is that, without the Lord, without his strength and reassurance, without his love and his care, none of this would have been possible. I have 52 paintings based on various Bible verses and yet, I hunger for more and more of his presence and I want to know him more.
So where do I go from there? Next year the Art & Scripture series will go on, but likely once a month. It was a huge commitment to painting weekly, and between family, work, and everything else, I couldn’t focus much on other paintings besides the ones for this project. I also have plans to improve the online store because I firmly believe that we should have more quality Christian art out there.
Thank you for following my work so far! Your comments and support helped me to keep going. And stay tuned for the Studio news in 2022, there’s much more to come 🙂
With much love and gratitude,
Patricia Garcia