Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
Isaiah 40:28
What would you do if you had the power to do anything you wanted to do? Maybe you’d solve all your financial issues, maybe you’d heal your body or your emotions, maybe you would bring yourself to the past to have another day with a loved one who’s no longer here.
Well, the Bible is full of examples of God’s endless power, he is truly amazing. He’s the creator of the earth, he calls the stars by name. He fights our battles, he parts the waters, he multiplies whatever is on his hands, power, knowledge, wisdom, and might belong to him. No one can compare to his greatness. Yet, in all his overwhelming omnipotence, God created… Bubbles. Simple, delicate, floating, iridescent, mesmerizing, and fragile bubbles.
Why? I’ll let you meditate on that to draw your own conclusions but I can share what’s in my heart. For me, God’s been showing me that life is also about balance and lightness. Yes, you can have joy and fullness of life even in the middle of your hardest battles. When we are in Him, soaking in his presence, everything else seems so small and irrelevant. I’m not saying that he takes my pain away but I’m renewed in strength to fight another day, praising him in this process. His eyes see right through me, he knows me so well. I choose to open my heart in honesty to him, to let him fill me and act in my life according to his will because in Him is all the power. And I will pause along the way to see the bubbles and laugh at them and find beauty even on my most challenging days.